Hi everyone!!! I'm so excited for this first post! ( <--- Can you tell?) I was sitting around on Facebook the other day (normal.) and found myself missing friends - friends from high school, friends from church camp, friends from Pepperdine - and I wanted to create a place where we could all interact with each other and talk about God! I want this blog to be a place where we can all connect/ reconnect with each other, share with each other where we each are spiritually, and get together to lift each other up in a place that studies God in a unique a creative way.
That brings up the next point:
Is it just me, or does anyone else long for creative and thought-provoking Bible studies? Don't get me wrong, there is something to be learned with each sermon, lesson, or devo we attend, but I've often noticed the same lesson being taught over and over. I want this specific study to be all about 1. Things we are all going through, so that we can relate to each other and encourage. 2.) New, fresh, and interesting topics that energize us spiritually.
I have a loose curriculum we can go off of, but PLEASE feel free to let me know by email, text, FB, snapchat.... if you have an idea for a post, and I'll give it a go! P.S. If anyone wants to take the reigns one week, I also don't mind that. If you have wisdoms you want to share, DO IT. This isn't about me being the head honcho, it's about all of us...and the kewl bond that we have (pssst! JESUS!)
Did someone say curriculum?
Finally, for the first week, I found a really cute and interesting study. It's called "A Bad Cup of Coffee," and really, who can't relate to that? So without further ado, here is your first small group lesson! Enjoy! And don't burn your tongue...
I'm sorry, for this first one I had to send you a direct link; technically I am not allowed to repost it onto my blog. And that's cool, because I'm not about that plagiarizing lyfe.
Don't forget to leave comments, so we can get this party started!
Hang loose. Deuces.
Hi girls!! First of all, I absolutely love this idea! I think it is really important for people of our age to find spiritual fulfillment, but unfortunately, there aren’t always a lot of options. In my case, sometimes my schedule and commitments don’t allow for me to attend bible studies and devotionals, and when I do, I often find that I am not as interested as I should be or that I don’t necessarily “fit in” with the people I’m studying with. I think this is a great idea, because for most of the people in our generation, we are always available electronically, so why not use this to our advantage! :)
ReplyDeleteI really loved this week’s devotional...but then again it had the word coffee in it a million times!! Lately, I have found myself in a “rut”, both spiritually and just in general. Personally, when I get this way I tend to be a little on the bitter side. I really want to be laid back, but often find myself stressing over yesterday and tomorrow instead of enjoying today. It’s kind of like when you make a pot of coffee and just let it sit there all day (hello, teacher’s lounge at my dad’s school!)...by the time you go to drink the coffee it’s disgusting and so bitter it’s almost fermented! That’s how I’ve felt recently. I tend to hold on to stress, anxiety, and general bad vibes until they have made me so bitter and ruined my day. So for me, the takeaway is that I need to look at my days like a k cup for a Keurig coffee machine. I love those things! You just pop them in and have a fresh cup of coffee in a minute...and they don’t leave the mess to clean up that an old pot of coffee does. I really want to focus on starting to look at my days like that...like a k cup. That day is only a “single serving” without the regrets of yesterday and worries for tomorrow. Otherwise bitterness will happen which not only is a mess to clean up, but also hinders my spiritual growth and my ability to love and serve others.
That was my main takeaway, but I’m sure you guys have great points too!
Love You A Latte,
P.S.--- Props to Becca! This is awesome!
Thanks, Becca, for creating this group! Love it! And as a Keurig owner, I love your point Elisabeth.. I too am guilty of letting my stress and anxiety carry over into each new day. I'm about to finish grad school and go into the "real world"- and instead of trusting in God and putting my hope in Him, I let my fear and worry about the upcoming transition take over. Time to make my coffee sweeter and warmer by getting closer to the source! Thanks for the lesson-- hope everyone is doing well!