Saturday, August 23, 2014

More to the Story

Raise your hand if you have ever felt like you are undeserving of God's love.

Don't feel alone; I am sure all of us have felt this at some point in our lives. That's normal.

The problem occurs when we dwell on that feeling. All too often, we focus on the negative - the "we are not worthy." We place the emphasis on the wrong syllable. The fact is, we aren't worthy. We are all sinners, BUT God has chosen to love us. He has chosen to love us with a love so big, we can't fully comprehend it. He has chosen to love each of us with a personalized, eternal love - a love big enough that He gave up His son for us. HE has chosen. 

I find myself, all the time, thinking about all of the wrongs I've done, instead of thinking about what He has done right. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, and when He did that, the story continued. 

The greatest story of all is still being written. It did not stop with a broken, sinful people. It did not even stop with the crucifixion of Jesus. No, the story is eternal. So instead of focusing on the sadness of our sins - next time we feel unworthy - let us remember to rejoice. Because there is happiness--- there is more to the story. 

Since this is a short thought, I decided to include a link to a great podcast I watched the other day! My best friend goes to a church in Dallas, and she sent me this link to a lesson she heard last week. It's a great one, and I love how it's tied into pop culture. That's my jam. Hope you enjoy! :)

If you are one of my readers, I would LOVE your feedback!!! Please let me know what you think of my blog. Do you like the format? Should I make it into more of a Christian lifestyle blog, with additional sections for topics such as health and wellness, advice, recipes, or maybe even modest fashion? Should I keep everything the same? Let me know; I need your help! :)

Thanks for reading, and have a great week this week!


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