Monday, June 2, 2014

Using Time Wisely

Wow...boring title. Sorry. I thought this topic would be especially great since... IT'S SUMMA SUMMA TIME, and we will all have a little more free time (hopefully.) I definitely will. Actually, I'm writing this from my cabin in the mountains where we get no internet or phone service, so I'll probably have to post it tomorrow when we go to Santa Fe. (But actually, I love not having any phone or Internet here; it's so much more relaxing. Plus, I can focus on important things with no extra distractions...except Pretty Little Liars.)

I, probably like some of you, am in a transition period - no job, no school, no boyfriends, nothing. (I like how I just made boyfriends plural, but I'm not going to change it. It makes me feel likes playa.) Anyway I have to say, I've actually really been enjoying this time in my life....maybe a little too much, some might argue. I needed it, though. I needed it to rest, work on feeling better physically (that's a story for a whole different post,) and mostly, to refocus on my one most important priority - God.

During this "free" time, I have really been able to think about what I am spending my time on. Do I spend my time pursuing God, or do I spend it on meaningless, perishable things - things of this world. Have you ever found yourself in this position: spending all your energy on things such as your potential career, or maybe pursuing - not even necessarily pursuing, just thinking a little too much about - that guy you think is oh-so-perfect? ( <--- data-blogger-escaped-accuse="" data-blogger-escaped-both="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-could="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-like="" data-blogger-escaped-myself="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-recently...okay="" data-blogger-escaped-recently...very="" data-blogger-escaped-these="" data-blogger-escaped-until="" data-blogger-escaped-up="" data-blogger-escaped-yesterday.="">
After thinking about it, I realized that I don't like that I unintentionally waste my time on things that aren't the everlasting God - the only thing worth pursuing. I feel like I'm not loving my Lord with all of my mind or my strength. So I've been trying to be more diligent about placing God, not only first, but as the ONLY thing in my life, retraining my mind to see that He really is the only, ONLY thing I need to worry and care about.

We all know:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
- Matthew 6:33

We may even know the old camp song to the same verse....

...but how often do we really live by those words? If we truly seek God, see God and His beauty, and love God in ALL that we do, everything else will "fall into place." It will be given. I am guilty of not realizing this enough. I can get so overwhelmed by the theatrics of day-to-day life, that I forget to separate and prioritize what is eternal from what is not. God is eternal. Everything else is not.

So I've been trying to diligently see God in everything lately. If something or someone's character is especially beautiful, I praise Him. I try to think in every situation "What can this thing/person/situation teach me about my God?" And I've been actively seeking out every opportunity as an opportunity to serve Him. I have to say, it's definitely helping.

I know this is not groundbreaking advice, but it has helped refresh me Spiritually. I feel much better and much more at peace just focusing on the one thing that is true and everlasting, and knowing everything else will come after. I think it is a very strong and admirable quality in women of God to be diligent and focused, and I will definitely keep at it, because I want to be the strongest woman I can be for my King.

Peace and Blessings

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